We're back.
Blogger has gotten all fancy on us while we've been away. So, let's get started and back on track to following the money in Iraq.
The US State Department has a list of security companies operating in Iraq posted on their website.
We at bpost notice that several companies reported to be operating are not on the list--CACI, Wackenhut, Dyncorp, Steele, to name a few off the top of our heads. There is also the following disclaimer posted on the webpage: The U.S. government assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the persons or firms whose names appear on the list.
For the purposes of space, we have not included the descriptions of the services each company provides but you might want to check it out. "Information support"? Whatever.
AD ConsultancyHow many of these companies have received direct contract awards from US governmental agencies? Does priority on primary contract awards still go to companies from nations of the Coalition of the Willing?
ADC House
P.O. Box 153
Sutton, Surrey SM3 9WF
United Kingdom
Tel: 0870 707 0074
Fax: 0870 707 0075
Website: www.adconsultancy.com
Email: security.services@adporta.com
Contact in Iraq:
Ian Grealey
Tel: 0870 707 0074
Email: ian.grealey@adporta.com
AKE Limited
Mortimer House
Holmer Road
Hereford HR4 9TA
Tel: [44] (0) 1432 267111
Fax: [44] (0) 1432 350227
Email: services@akegroup.com
Website: www.akegroup.com
Contact in Iraq:
Peter Hornett
Tel: [44] (0) 7739 094598
Email: operations@akegroup.com
25 Buckingham Gate
Tel: [44] (20) 7808-5800
Fax: [44] (20) 7233-7434
Email: info@armorgroup.com or jmillar@armorgroup.com
Contact in Iraq:
John Farr, MBE
Country Manager
Tel: 0088 216 511 20010
Email: jfarr@armorgroup.com
ArmorGroup's Baghdad office is not able to deal with job applications. All applications must be accompanied by a current CV/resume and sent to: jswaggertt@armorgroup.com (US residents), or cruart@armorgroup.com (UK residents and other nationalities).
Control Risks Group
83 Victoria Street
London SW1H OHW
United Kingdom
Tel: [44] (20) 722 1552
Fax: [44] (20) 7222 2296
Website: www.crg.com
Email: james.blount@control-risks.com or criraq1@control-risks.com
Contact in Iraq:
James Blount, Country Manager
Tel: 1-914-822-9502 (NY number but person is located in Iraq)
Thuraya: +8821621158121
Email: james.blount@control-risks.com or criraq1@control-risks.com
Custer Battles
3959 Pender Drive
Suite 109
Fairfax, VA 22050
Tel: [1] 703-385-1121
Fax: [1] 703-385-2177
Email: cbaumann@custerbattles.com
Website: www.custerbattles.com
Contact in Iraq:
Brig. General Charles Baumann, Director
Tel: [1] 914-360-9223
Email: cbaumann@custerbattles.com
Diligence Middle East
1275 Eye Street, NW
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: [1] 202-659-6210
Fax: [1] 202-659-6210
Email: kjosey@diligenceiraq.com
Website: www.diligencellc.com
Contact in Iraq:
Ken Josey, Country Manager
Tel: [1] 914-822-9746 (NY number rings in Baghdad)
Email: kjosey@diligenceiraq.com
Erinys Iraq Limited
16 Zukak 18
601 Emerat Mahla
Baghdad, Iraq
Tel: +873763692882
Email: opsbaghdad@erinysinternational.com
Website: www.erinysinternational.com
Contact in Iraq:
Michael Hutchings
Tel: +873763692882 or +96447901921231
Email: mhutchings@erinysinternational.com
Hereford House
East Street
Hereford, UK HR1 2LU
Tel: [44] 1432 379083
Fax: [44] 1432 370786
Website: www.genric.co.uk
Email: nick.duggan@genric.co.uk
Contact in Iraq:
Nick Duggan
Tel: [44] 7919 478484 or [965] 904-8217/8257
Email: nick.duggan@genric.co.uk
Global Risk Strategies
6 Stratton Street
London W1J 8LD
United Kingdom
Tel: [44] (20) 7491 7492
Fax: [44] (20) 7491
Website: www.globalrsl.com
Email: ops@globalrsl.com
Contact in Iraq:
Damian Perl, Charlie Andrews, Nick Arnold
Tel: 1-914-360-6148 (NY number but person is located in Iraq)
Email: babylonops@yahoo.com
Group 4 Falck A/S
82-A, Sector 18
Gurgaon 122016 (Haryana)
Tel: [91] 124-2398888
Fax: [91] 124-2397131
Website: www.group4falck.com
Email: reg.office@group4falckmesea.com
Contact in Iraq:
Abrahem Ghazarian
Tel: 919811768800
Fax: 971508131680
Email: brahem@group4falckmesea.com
Editor's note: According to their website, they have announced a merger. Group 4 Falck and Securicor merge to create a global leader in security services. The new company - Group 4 Securicor - will operate in more than 108 countries and have approximately 340,000 employees.
Hill and Associates, Ltd.
2604-9 Harbour Center
No. 25 Harbour Road
Wanchai, Hong King
Tel: [852] 2802-2123
Fax: [852] 2802-2133
Email: info.ae@hill-assoc.com
Website: www.hill-assoc.com
Contact in Iraq:
Richard Hancock, Director
Operations - Middle East
Tel: [971] (4) 211-5447 (Dubai) or (65) 6322-2558
Thuraya: 882-162-1100-133
Email: Richard.hancock@hill-assoc.com or richancock@hotmail.com
ICP Group Ltd
2 Old Brompton Road
London SW7 3DQ
United Kingdom
Tel: [44] (0) 207-591-4411
Fax: [44] (0) 207-584-1460
Email: iraq@icpgroup.ltd.uk
Website: www.icpgroup.ltd.uk
Contact in Iraq:
Will Geddes or Andy King
Tel: [44] (870) 464-1000 (UK number that rings in Baghdad)
Email: iraq@icpgroup.ltd.uk
Baghdad Conference Palace
Mansour, Baghdad
Tel: [1] 914-360-2492
Email: omarhadi@hotmail.com
Contact in Iraq:
Omar Hadi
Tel: [1] 914-360-2492 or [1] 914-822-7707
Email: omarhadi@hotmail.com
Meteoric Tactical Solutions
6 Meteor Road
Pretoria, South Africa
Tel: [27] 12 651 3402
Fax: [27] 12 651 3402
Email: Juanitavr@bestmed.co.za
Contact in Iraq:
Lourens Horn (Louwtjie)
Tel: 914-360-3113
Email: louwtjieh@hotmail.com
Meyer & Associates
P.O. Box 1800
Joshua (DFW), TX 76058
Tel: [11] 817-426-1199
Fax: [11] 817-558-4868
Website: www.meyerglobalforce.com
Email: gdesmith@meyerglobalforce.com
Contact in Iraq:
Tim Meyer or Gary DeSmith
Tel: 1-817-401-8142 or 1-817-821-8820
Email: tjmeyer@meyerglobalforce.com or gdesmith@meyerglobalforce.com
Olive Security (UK) Limited
2 Charles Street
Mayfair, London
England, UK
Tel: [44] (0) 207307 0540
Fax: [44] (0) 207307 0542
Email: barrylb@olivesecurity.com
Website: www.olivesecurity.com
Contact in Iraq:
John Yourston and Douglas Dick
Tel: 008821652100377 or [965] 914-0169 (Kuwait office)
Optimal Solution Services
4/35 Spencer Street
Fairfield NSW
Tel: [61] (2) 97555840
Fax: [61] (2) 97559835
Email: optimal1@optusnet.com.au
Contact in Iraq:
Zahir F. Hameed
Tel: +8821621233556
Email: optimal_solution@hotmail.com
Overseas Security & Strategic Information, Inc/Safenet - Iraq
Post Office Box 52067
Atlanta, GA 30355
Tel: [1] 404-307-4072
Fax: [1] 413-208-6069
Email: OSSIInc@hotmail.com
Contact in Iraq:
John H. Walbridge, Jr. or Mauritz Le Roux
Tel: [964] 7901915494 or [88] 216 5201 4591/4592
RamOPS Risk Management Group
7312 Suite 8 Hihenge Court
Raleigh, NC 27615
Tel: [1] 919-740-4597
Website: www.ramops.com
Email: globalservices@ramops.com
Contact in Iraq:
Andy Potts or John Autenreith
Email: globalservices@ramops.com
Tel: [1] 919-740-4597 (US)
Sumer International Security
Almasbah - Dis Babilon
Sec. 929, St. 10, Building 10(54/356)
Baghdad, Iraq
Tel: [1] 312-869-7336 (VOIP)
Fax: [1] 202-438-9710
Email: lipmanj@thesandigroup.com
Website: www.thesandigroup.com
Contact in Iraq:
Janna Lipman
Tel: [1] 312-869-8336 (VOIP) or [964] 7901-916-338 or [1] 202-483-5900
Email: lipmanj@thesandigroup.com or karslim@corporatebankintl.com
Triple Canopy Inc.
600 Knightsbridge Parkway
Lincolnshire, IL 60069
Tel: [1] 312-261-8000
Fax: [1] 312-261-8010
Email: sales@triplecanopy.com
Website: www.triplecanopy.com
Wade-Boyd and Associates LLC
Suite 116
Main Street
Lawler, IA 52154
Tel: [1] 641-330-4581 or 931-302-7822
Fax: [1] 270-518-5780
Email: wbaprotection@yahoo.com
Contact in Iraq:
Malek (Ali) Mehanna or V. Brooke Phillips
Tel: [1] 641-330-4581 (US)
Email: malekmehanna@hotmail.com or invops@yahoo.com
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