The Blogiston Post

Politics, money, and war.

Wednesday, March 17

defense policy board

Since the resignation of Richard Perle from the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee (DPB), we have attempted to find out who the current members are. No such luck.

Meetings of the DPB continue to be held. The most recent, just prior to Perle's resignation, was on February 10 & 11th. (see Federal Register Online)
The purpose of the meeting is to provide the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense and Under Secretary of Defense for Policy with independent, informed advice on major matters of defense policy.
Tillie Fowler appears to still be the Chairperson. We find her law firm advising Governor Jeb Bush on how to avoid base closures in Florida to be in poor taste for a chairperson. (Maybe that should be charperson.) Meanwhile, our favorite bash du jour is Suzanne Woolsey whose husband James sits on the DPB. Suzanne just scored a seat on the board of directors at defense contractor Fluor. They've been really raking it in the last few weeks. More poor taste.

Like seeing a train wreck, it's hard not to love reading the behind the scenes wheelings and dealings of the members of the DPB. Espionage! Lies! Intrigue! Money! Violence! Poor taste! Bad hair! Speaking of which...Rumsfeld.

Curious about the Defense Policy Board? Visit:
Center for Public Integrity
Right Web


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