The Blogiston Post

Politics, money, and war.

Sunday, October 31

bringing back iran contra

US Special Operations Command is headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida. Last year, there were funny goings-on regarding money at MacDill.

Is there a connection between today's story on funding for US Special Operations and reports of the "parked" funds at Mac Dill in October of 2003? Reports at that time never clarified the intended use of the funds. Now things are looking a little more clear...and nefarious.

Pentagon gets funds for covert payoffs
Moving into an area of clandestine activity that is traditionally the domain of the CIA, the Pentagon has secured new authority that allows U.S. Special Operations forces to dole out millions of dollars in cash, equipment and weapons to international warlords and foreign fighters.

The U.S. Special Operations Command will have, the new policy states, as much as $25 million a year to spend providing "support to foreign forces, irregular forces, groups or individuals" aiding U.S. efforts against terrorists and other targets. Previously, military units were barred from providing money or arms to foreign groups.

The new authority is contained in a little-noticed provision in the Defense Department authorization bill that was signed by President Bush on Friday.
Meanwhile, back in October of 2003...

More military funds scrutinized
Pentagon officials are investigating allegations of a second case of the Special Operations Command at MacDill Air Force Base hiding millions of dollars from Congress in its budget.

The latest allegation, Pentagon officials confirmed Wednesday, involves $25-million that Special Operations listed in its fiscal year 2004 budget, which took effect Wednesday.


Pentagon investigators already had been conducting an audit, or a preliminary investigation, into how Special Operations - at the Pentagon's request - inflated budget proposals in fiscal year 2003 to "park," or hide, $20-million from Congress.

In that case, Special Operations officials divided $20-million among six projects so the money would not attract attention, according to defense officials and documents obtained by the St. Petersburg Times.
Our previous post on Mac Dill with more info

John Kerry as a junior Senator exposed Iran Contra and the BCCI scandal. Looks like the less than noble elements in America intend to keep him busy as President.


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