The Blogiston Post

Politics, money, and war.

Monday, July 5

another report

This one is from the GAO.

An abstract is available online here: Rebuilding Iraq: Resource, Security, Governance, Essential Services, and Oversight Issues The full report is 105 pages long in PDF format.

Report in PDF: GAO-04-902R, June 28, 2004
As of the end of April 2004, about $58 billion in grants, loans, assets, and revenues from various sources had been made available or pledged to the relief and reconstruction of Iraq. Resource needs are expected to continue after the transfer of power to a sovereign Iraqi interim government.

Of the funds available, the United States obligated about $8 billion of the available $24 billion in U.S. funds. The CPA obligated about $15.5 billion of the nearly $21 billion in available Iraqi funds. These funds were used to support ministry operations and expenses; the restoration of essential services, such as power, oil, and water; and humanitarian and other human services, including the importation of liquid petroleum gas and food. The international community pledged nearly $14 billion.

In December 2003, the CPA put into effect an Iraqi-led process to coordinate reconstruction efforts. However, the capability to track the total amount of bilateral assistance flowing into Iraq and to identify sectors that do not receive assistance is still under development. An October 2003 U.N./World Bank assessment noted that Iraq’s ability to absorb resources as the country gains sovereignty and decision-making authority will be one of the most significant challenges to reconstruction.

The CPA faced a number of challenges in identifying, obtaining, and organizing the human resources required to help stabilize and reconstruct Iraq. The CPA’s staffing requirements also changed over time as the mission evolved from a reconstruction and humanitarian effort to the temporary administration of the Iraq government. The CPA was dependent on personnel from multiple sources and generally operated with about one-third fewer staff than it required.
Some interesting reading including a reference to the Patriot Act. See page 12 for a funding summary.
“Vested assets” refers to former Iraqi regime assets held in U.S. financial institutions that the President confiscated in March 2003 and vested in the U.S. Treasury. The United States froze these assets shortly before the first Gulf War. The U.S.A. PATRIOT Act of 2001 amended the International Emergency Economic Powers Act to empower the President to confiscate, or take ownership of, certain property of designated entities, including these assets, and vest ownership in an agency or individual. The President has the authority to use the assets in the interests of the United States. In this case, the President vested the assets in March 2003 and made these funds available for the reconstruction of Iraq in May 2003. Seized assets refer to former regime assets seized within Iraq.

neo-con artists

Iraq gets fraction of US aid billions by Suzanne Goldenberg in the Guardian
The US government spent just 2% of the $18.4bn (£10bn) it had obtained from Congress for the urgent reconstruction of Iraq before formally ending its occupation last week.

The White House budget office report, the first detailed audit of the reconstruction, showed that the US occupation authorities had spent nothing on healthcare or water and sanitation, two of the most urgent needs for Iraqis. In contrast, a total of $9m was spent on administrative expenses.


With the US reluctant to disburse cash, reconstruction money has largely been drawn from Iraq's oil receipts, with some $19bn of a $20bn fund spent during the Coalition Provisional Authority's tenure in Iraq.

According to yesterday's Washington Post more than $6bn of the oil fund has been spent in the past two months alone.
Keep in mind that Iraq's oil is not metered. So who really knows how much is being spent or on what.

Here's a copy of the report mentioned above from the Office of Management and Budget of The Executive Office of the President.

Draft 2207 Report Funding Table 7.1.04.xls (PDF)
Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund (IRRF)

Spending Plan, [in] Millions of Dollars, CPA Funding Allocations, Actuals Thru 3rd Quarter, Estimated Allocations
Taking a quick peak, under 'Democracy Building Activities', $8 million has actually been spent of $451 million allocated and apportioned. That's not even 2%. Another $265 million is obligated--whatever that might mean. Does Halliburton have dibs on it or something? The CPA have promised alot. it's the delivery that's important. Don't forget the yet to be awarded but always always will get right on to it, promise cross their hearts, meter contracts.