The Blogiston Post

Politics, money, and war.

Tuesday, January 25

into thin air

into thin air

On October 9, 2003, Kirk von Ackermann disappeared in Iraq.

Colin Freeman, a freelance reporter writing from Iraq, covered the story. It was published in the UK Telegraph on November 9 and in the San Francisco Chronicle on November 11, one month after the incident.

Ackermann's disappearance could easily be explained away as the collateral damage of working in a war zone, but $40,000 in cash, a satellite phone, and his lap top computer were left behind in his car. Odd circumstances in a country where looting and highway piracy have become common place.

No insurgent group claimed responsiblity. There was no high profile demand for ransom. No release of a taped appeal to the President of the United States for his freedom. No gruesome video of a beheading posted on a website. No discovery of a body.

Kirk Von Ackermann simply vanished into thin air.

Mystery surrounds US businessman missing in Iraq's 'Sunni triangle'
by Colin Freeman, Telegraph, November 9, 2003

Bay Area civilian vanishes in Iraq by Colin Freeman, San Francisco Chronicle, November 11, 2003

The Missing Man Links to articles on Kirk von Ackermann and Ryan Manelick. (Note: Added to original post February 20, 2005)


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